
I created the LogoServer website in the fall of 2000 to showcase my interest in sports and sports logos. For five and a half years, the site grew and took on a life of its own (with the help of the free time I had during summers as a teacher). While I searched and found many of the logos at the beginning, I began to receive lots of contributions as time when on. Teams and leagues began sending their logos and I developed a number of connections and friendships through the process including former players, league officials, and a lawyer here and there. I learned a huge amount about the history of different sports, leagues, teams, and even cities. Without ever spending time to publicize the site, it eventually became the number one listing on Google for "sports logos".

Finally, in the late winter of 2006, I was contacted by baseball-almanac.com. By this time, I had lost some momentum and wasn't able to spend nearly enough time on the site to keep up with the gigabytes (literally) of logos that people were sending me. I finally decided that it was time to hand "my baby" over to someone else and I knew baseball-almanac.com would be a good home.

At some point, I may expand on this little "history" page, but until then, I want to say that I appreciate all the contributions, contacts, compliments, and emails I received over the years and I wish everyone the best of luck.

- Stew

LogoServer as it began, 10/19/2000

LogoServer as it evolved over the years

One millionth visitor... 8/18/05

LogoServer as I left it, spring, 2006

Final hit count... about 1,200,000

olujosh: "Chances are, if there was a backyard football league somewhere in North Dakota, you MIGHT have the logos the little kids drew on their folders during math class."

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